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  1. S

    Is there a rule of thumb for % of retirement contributions going towards traditional vs Roth in 22% tax bracket?

    @kevinb5 My sperm donor retired at 72, so I have “family” history to rely on. My sperm donor’s sister also retired in her 70s, so again, there’s that as well. So for me, it’s not optimism, it’s just that all of us work(ed) in careers we are passionate about and excel in, so that helps with...
  2. S

    Is there a rule of thumb for % of retirement contributions going towards traditional vs Roth in 22% tax bracket?

    @randomallocation1 No, YOU don’t get it. And if you’re so daft that you can’t grasp the concept of wanting to mitigate tax risk both while saving for retirement and while in retirement, you shouldn’t be advising anyone, honestly.
  3. S

    Is there a rule of thumb for % of retirement contributions going towards traditional vs Roth in 22% tax bracket?

    @randomallocation1 I’m not talking about one or the other, since I want to mitigate some of my tax burden now as well as when I retire (RMDs are a drag). I’m trying to figure out the balance between the two different types of retirement investment vehicles in order to hit that sweet spot of tax...
  4. S

    Is there a rule of thumb for % of retirement contributions going towards traditional vs Roth in 22% tax bracket?

    I’m a 52F planning to retire at 70 so I can take the maximum social security when it’s time. Since I’m in the 22% tax bracket, I want to make sure that I’m mitigating my tax risk. Currently, my retirement contributions are as follows: 15% into a traditional 401(k), employer matches 50% of...