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  1. L

    Tax Question: US Citizen, Japanese Resident - Going back to the states for a few months of work

    @reflectionsbythewater Where are you getting that information? FEIE is for people who live abroad. Bona fide residence requires an entire tax year abroad, but as long as you are essentially living in a foreign country and paying taxes there, you can use FEIE. I see nothing on the US gov website...
  2. L

    Tax Question: US Citizen, Japanese Resident - Going back to the states for a few months of work

    @reflectionsbythewater OP said a few months, not 6 months. And that's why I mention bona fide residence for FEIE. There's very specific requirements, but for the bona fide residence abroad, it certainly seems like OP qualifies if he has been living in Japan and paying taxes there for the last 2...
  3. L

    Tax Question: US Citizen, Japanese Resident - Going back to the states for a few months of work

    @diana14 Yes definitely talk to your accountants, hopefully your US accountant is very familiar with expat/living abroad taxes in the US. While you would not qualify for the 330 days outside the US for FEIE, you would still very likely have no issue for the bona fide resident qualification. So...