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  1. D

    State exam

    @levnishbar Okay, I like it gives me a little hope over my stress😂😂
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    State exam

    @charvelguy How similar was it? Any tips and tricks? I think I’m just psyching myself out for the most part as time gets closer
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    State exam

    @tannerking1 I’m using XCel the website that the company paid for me to use if that helps😂😂
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    State exam

    @guacamole You took the OK exam recently?
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    State exam

    @zeroman1 Wasn’t like as in depth as a lot of the practice ones are per chapter, just like the wide variety of questions is the most common ones they already ask you on the practice? Thanks man🤝🏼
  6. D

    State exam

    Hey everyone! Quick question, gonna take my L&H licensing exam this Saturday in OK, been doing the simulation exams and getting around 65 without fully paying attention cause of dozing off tbh and about an 80 for my highest (missing questions that were obvious if I just read the question in...