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    20 Year/$1,000,000 Term Life Policy Question

    @lightacandle Please show me a policy that does what you think it does, why talk hypotheticals and make up stories. If policy's good it'll speak for itself
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    20 Year/$1,000,000 Term Life Policy Question

    @delling1000 It's crazy how many people earlier are trying to push you towards cash value either in a conversion or not getting your term policy. You can do some research by looking up these companies at AM Best, but honestly you'll be fine with any of them. I'd rather have the ability to keep...
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    Don't Compare to the S&P

    @evanburnside12 You picked one of the worst 20 year periods for the s&p and it still beat the 8% you are pretending is a fantasy. You seem to have an agenda here or are just quite biased and don't want to see reality.
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    Universal Whole Life Policy

    @rabshield I'd do a DIME calculation to see how much coverage you actually need and get a term policy. Pay an annual premium instead of monthly and you will save about a payment and a half of the monthly amount. Get some actual investments. Do the match on your 401k l. Max your IRA and your...
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    Evaluating whether to keep Whole Life my Dad bought for me

    @writingforlife101 Do a DIME calculation, get the proper amount of life insurance in a 20yr TERM policy, make sure it isn't one of those funny ones that changes after 5 years. Once approved cancel those and start investing in your ROTH IRA. In your ROTH invest in VUG, VOO and QQQ
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    Evaluating whether to keep Whole Life my Dad bought for me

    @dar858 He could be properly insured for less though
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    Evaluating whether to keep Whole Life my Dad bought for me

    @resjudicata Everything you said is true, it's right on the insurance test. Not sure why you are getting down voted.
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    Life insurance at 20? Advice/tips pls Long post ahead

    @ativyl I say show me the policy so I can see if it works the way you say. It should be easy to show an actual policy. I'm not looking for a sales pitch or sales documents like an illustration or hypothetical. The actual policy shows what I'd be actually getting.
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    Life insurance at 20? Advice/tips pls Long post ahead

    @ativyl Please show me a permanent policy that makes sense primarily as an investment like you are suggesting here.