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    EPF 2023 dividend, Conventional 5.5%, Shariah 5.4%

    @rherrero Tell us what laptop/handphones/tablet that according to CPI deflated by -3.7% in 2023. Last I check the iPhone price has risen at a steady clip at ~4%. So good luck buying the basket of goods in CPI and good luck finding out what those goods are...
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    EPF 2023 dividend, Conventional 5.5%, Shariah 5.4%

    @rherrero Last I check CPI do not include laptop or handphones. Don’t buy any of those. Also the way CPI works, it substitute product with the cheapest one on the market. And guess if they are imported? Also CPI has just a small bucket of items that our government controls like a game. Like I...
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    EPF 2023 dividend, Conventional 5.5%, Shariah 5.4%

    @christianinchrist Well, good luck not buying imported goods.
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    EPF 2023 dividend, Conventional 5.5%, Shariah 5.4%

    @georgiew You forget RM depreciation at %3 per annum. So it mostly break even.
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    Path to FIRE FUND

    @lichtoefur Yes, I meant CPF. MYR EPF had to content with 3% MYR depreciation per year. You have no such problem with SGD. I don't work in SG, so I don't know how CPF withdrawal works, but it's not like MYR EPF allows you to withdraw before age 55, so I am assuming they are simpatico.
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    Is just invest in the US market dumb?

    @westmedsupply Isn't lost decades a Japan phenomenon? I think you already have exposure to Malaysia. EPF and the likes. If you are afraid, try to get into other financial instrument not related to stock. US market movement tends to reverberate across all other markets. Perhaps some bond or...
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    Path to FIRE FUND

    @lichtoefur FIRE usually implies retire really early... And to do that with fat FIRE is almost impossible. At 51 of age, it's more towards normal retirement (approaching 55). Even the FIRE movement are changing, and they are now doing something called FINE (Financial Independence, New Endeavor)...
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    Dilemma of a fresher. Need an advice

    @agmitchell Personally I would say, perhaps engineering isn't your lane. Someone with a passion for engineering would probably work really hard to get good grades and probably could not wait to get a job immediately after graduation. And that's ok. A lot of folks don't know what their calling...
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    How to sell car with loan remaining 54k(another 3 years left)

    @donkeyhead Sell your car. Try to borrow some money from your parents to pay off any negative equity (i.e. if you owe more to the banks even after selling your car). Then look into all your debt. Pay off minimum if possible for all. If you have leftover, payoff the ones with the highest...
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    Versa Cash 4% Promo is changing next month, any alternatives?

    @trevorwoofer2 US interest rate is at all time high. Just go with a bank that allows opening of global account. Last I check, HSBC global USD account is paying 4.92% interest per month tenure for USD FDs. That's perpetually (none of this promotional period only bullcrap), at least until the...
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    US Stock Investing as a Malaysian

    @blackfriar More meme stock than value. And a weird flex.
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    US Stock Investing as a Malaysian

    @marie1975 Unless you are Warren Buffet, stick to index fund. You are 10000 miles away from the USA, with zero insider insight to any company listed on the US market and with even Warren saying it's hard to find value stock nowadays....your chances of making the right bet on one bottom barrel...
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    Getting 1M for EPF?

    @gegeez22 Once you've reached a million, you can essentially used the excess as your emergency fund (at 5.5%, that's better than most). Takes 2/3 days to withdraw, and you can do online max 30k per withdrawal without any fuss.