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  1. J

    [MICHIGAN] I still have weeks to certify for but it’s not letting me?

    @laddersdoorskeys it’s really tough and they should be doing more. really hoping that monday things will be up.
  2. J

    [MICHIGAN] I still have weeks to certify for but it’s not letting me?

    @laddersdoorskeys no worries at all, i understand the frustration. i just made a post in the heat of all my frustration and didn’t even think about checking. thank you for the info though and the replies. i hope so too
  3. J

    [MICHIGAN] I still have weeks to certify for but it’s not letting me?

    @laddersdoorskeys oh okay i’m sorry i guess i didn’t think about searching michigan. thank you for the info though
  4. J

    [MICHIGAN] I still have weeks to certify for but it’s not letting me?

    @heavenstudent yeah that’s definitely what i’m wondering 😐
  5. J

    [MICHIGAN] I still have weeks to certify for but it’s not letting me?

    @13paxi34 yeah i did that and it still says no alerts under my alerts /: even though i still have 9 weeks left /:
  6. J

    [MICHIGAN] I still have weeks to certify for but it’s not letting me?

    @13paxi34 yeah so true. i had to call before christmas, took me about 30 or 40 times before i reached an actual person, because i had backpay. they could definitely be doing more. we’re in a pandemic and they only care about themselves
  7. J

    [MICHIGAN] I still have weeks to certify for but it’s not letting me?

    @13paxi34 i understand the stress the have to go through getting this set up, i just hope this gets resolved soon !! thanks for the reply !
  8. J

    [MICHIGAN] I still have weeks to certify for but it’s not letting me?

    @13paxi34 the last one i was able to certify was the 26th. could it be because the extra weeks and such hasn’t gone through yet? but i still have weeks so i don’t know if that would apply to me /:
  9. J

    [MICHIGAN] I still have weeks to certify for but it’s not letting me?

    I still have 9 weeks to certify for l, but it’s not letting me. Under alerts, where I usually certify, there’s no alerts. Do we know when the extra $300 and the added weeks will kick in? Why can’t i certify right now? Thanks !