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  1. S

    Roth Conversion at age 22

    @alexburke To build on point #2. OP you are in then 22% tax bracket (starts at $47k, after standard deduction of ~$14k that brings you down to $46-51k based on you listed income). So most or the full amount would be taxed at 22%. When you pull pretax money out in retirement you are filling up...
  2. S

    Asking for advice for a 37 year old with 60000 worth of debt and no 401k

    @mssonya84 Get the employer match, that’s 100% return on your money. After that you should attack the 10% loan before investing anything else. Save as much as you can, and look at any unnecessary spending to see if you can save money anywhere, or find a side gig to bring in extra cash. After...