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  1. G

    Financial Independence RSA

    @alfiano We have retirement products from work, then the bond and broad international ETFs - coreshares TWI, S&P. Will probably move to our coreshares to vanguard for tax purposes in the future.
  2. G

    Financial independence RSA

    @canadianbroad Wife and myself. Both healthcare. We are renting out apartments and then renting ourselves. Currently all our savings are moving towards the loan. Trying to have R1m left to pay off by EOY. If the markets crash and burn then I'll take everything out of the loan account and put...
  3. G

    Financial independence RSA

    @evar I watch Ben Felix and Sven Carlin for fun. A lot more boring than Graham Stephan.
  4. G

    Financial Independence RSA

    @atchuth I think it helped us quite a bit initially, but I wouldn't expand our rental portfolio. If you're a handyman it's probably fun, but I just don't like the unexpected calls with minor issues(although they are rare). We had no problems with getting tenants due to high demand in CPT
  5. G

    Advice Needed

    @mberg3 Drive it until it dies and then a bit more.
  6. G

    Financial Independence RSA

    @theneedy Hi. Thanks for the positive feedback. We do 60-70 hours per week on average. It's definitely not worth the money working a normal 40-hour work week as overtime is a big chunk of the salary. Add the stress of actually working with peoples lives and loved ones, then it can get tough...
  7. G

    Financial Independence RSA

    @vancouverguy Your position looks solid. Nice job
  8. G

    Financial independence RSA

    @valerie60 Depends on your goals. Specializing would let you finish by age 35 as a new junior consultant. Building practice, covering costs associated with it will take you to age 36. Then you officially only start out as a real specialist... Our CoastFIRE target is R10m at age 30. From there...
  9. G

    Financial independence RSA

    @valerie60 If you want to specialise, yes. You'll go through a burnout phase during internship, then have no idea what you want to do with your life. This gets better during comm serv and subsequent MO years due to the salary jumps and seniority of your position in the hierarchy.
  10. G

    Financial Independence RSA

    @vancouverguy We're definitely overexposed in property at the moment, but that's only because of the high interest rates. This also doubles as our emergency fund. Basically between 30-35% of our NW. Local equity will only be in our retirement accounts due to legislation. This is probably around...
  11. G

    Financial independence RSA

    @valerie60 Post tax salary is R75k x 2 people + rental income
  12. G

    Financial Independence RSA

    @resjudicata Working in healthcare. Yes, but it's about the savings ratio, not the income. There's a very nice chart about savings ratios and est retirement ages based on that. I can highly recommend it, it's very interesting.
  13. G

    Financial independence RSA

    @valerie60 R75 000 if you take the employer GEPF contribution into account.
  14. G

    Financial Independence RSA

    @abeaba Very hard to get public consultant posts. Private it's easier, but you start from ground up.
  15. G

    Financial independence RSA

    @valerie60 We're doing it on government salaries. Conservative projections show that we can reach R15m by 35 by simply receiving M.O. salaries.
  16. G

    Financial Independence RSA

    @abeaba Depends on if you specialize or not. You can nett R150k-250k per month with that. For us it depends on how hard one works in private or how long in public. A private GP can nett around R120k post all deductions, but they need to own the practice. In the state it's brackets that are more...
  17. G

    Financial Independence RSA

    @abeaba General practice. Registrars don't get paid well, it's sort of a global trend from what I've read. But remember that they also get government pension with that R70k. I add pension to our income to simplify things
  18. G

    Financial independence RSA

    @mm17162646 If everything goes according to plan we'll be financially independendant when I'm 35. Plan isn't to really retire as I'm a firm believer that work is needed to keep the brain healthy. Definitely lighter work schedule and then use the salary from that to travel. Might consider...
  19. G

    Q1 2023 F.I.R.E. update

    @valerie2017 Saw your post. For TFSA I only recommend CoreShares Total World ETF. I do get that some people want to invest in Satrix 40 as dividends aren't taxed in the TFSA, and thats fine if you don't plan on having a RA. But if your income tax bracket is above around 32% then the RA...
  20. G

    RSA F.I.R.E. Progress

    @jens123 In Cape Town. So how I see it is biy property worth R2.5m, put in R1.25m of your own money. Bond and other expenses will pay off with rental income in about 10 years. Sell at maybe R3m then. That's about 10% guaranteed growth. But once again, add the interest income with a company then...