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  1. C

    looking for advice on insurance options for a rented condo

    @gigibella Hi, Thank you for your comment. I should clarify, the tenants have their own insurance. I am looking for insurance as the owner, and a few places have refused to give it to me seeing as there are three unrelated tenants. What is rental dwelling insurance?
  2. C

    looking for advice on insurance options for a rented condo

    @resjudicata i am in Ontario. Principal residence is not insured by me, i moved in with family and they have their own insurance.
  3. C

    looking for advice on insurance options for a rented condo

    Hello! Land lord here. We rented out our condo to 3 girls. They are close friends and two of them are family friends and refer to each other as cousins. '' but they aren't sure if they are actually blood related '' I am having issues finding insurance for the rented out condo as most...