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  1. K

    Bank pretending that our 10yr fixed is up in a month (a few years early), should we go along?

    @3dbm Fair enough, that was the most likely plan but it just seems like such an odd mistake to make on their part that just happens to be at the point when mortgages are at their most expensive.
  2. K

    Bank pretending that our 10yr fixed is up in a month (a few years early), should we go along?

    @asurfpro I have the paperwork and looked at it a few hours ago,it says period of 120 months from late 2017. It is to become variable again/lose its fixed status in late 2027. No idea what the bank are up to but they (and the rest of them) have more than proved that they're capable of screwing...
  3. K

    Bank pretending that our 10yr fixed is up in a month (a few years early), should we go along?

    Just curious what people's thought are. Right now their interest rates are worse than they were (3.6 when we fixed) and there is word that ECB will reduce rates soon but everything is so uncertain, who knows what will happen in 6 months let alone 3 years. Also there are better alternatives out...