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  1. F

    UniSuper down for 3 days

    More updates: Edit: looks like it was at least partly Google's fault. Keen to see the RCA. They are blaming Google Cloud. As a cloud engineer myself, I'm betting this is complete bullshit, it is 100% UniSuper's fault. A 4+ day outage of a...
  2. F

    UniSuper down for 3 days

    @zal56wes I don't know, it definitely sounds like blaming to me. Every time they go to explain what the problem is, they answer "Google Cloud". From their emails to members: "from whom the outage originated" is very blamey. And from the FAQ in the link I sent: Directly pointing the finger...
  3. F

    UniSuper down for 3 days

    More updates: They are blaming Google Cloud. As a cloud engineer myself, I can confidently say this is complete bullshit, it is 100% UniSuper's fault. A 4+ day outage of a cloud system is absolutely bonkers. The techniques cloud providers...
  4. F

    UniSuper down for 3 days

    They just sent an email out right after I hit post:
  5. F

    UniSuper down for 3 days

    @bringchristintoeveryhour Yeah, it's not great. I would expect regular updates at the very least, but they have provided exactly 0 updates or transparency. I understand outages happen, but the extended timeframe and poor communication during it really makes me question staying with them long...