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  1. L

    Idea for the second pillar: Choice between 2nd pillar chosen by employer and a vested benefits account

    @ale4614 This shows you have zero experience, 2016 to 2023 had years with -15 and +25… How would you react having your life savings in one ETF and then covid then russian invasion… You need to have a Safe Place to park money, we had the difficult situation and even unique that we had 8 years...
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    Idea for the second pillar: Choice between 2nd pillar chosen by employer and a vested benefits account

    @ale4614 you guys get that 1% was a good performance during 2016 and 2022? You guys only Talk about Short Term gains but missed out that our pension funds had to work with negative interesst, that we even couldn’t have 100.000.- parked at postfinance without paying a fee for it each month...
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    Review of investment strategy + questions

    @mizchristine If you buy the ETF in USD it’s Value is moving…
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    Review of investment strategy + questions

    @resjudicata LOL no you buy the ETF in USD for the current rate and if you sell there is the new rate, like when you buy stocks…. You guys here are really dangerous
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    Buying a house - second mortgage

    @ayosyrene This isn‘t the US, it‘s common and needs to be at the same bank by law
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    Buying a house - second mortgage

    @aries_113 I wouldn’t go with the poor swiss, it‘s frugal not investing and only get‘s traction as it‘s in english.
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    Looking for savings account options with interest rates higher than 0.8%

    @bethelight You also have cashback or Amex Points and all those insurances. When you once had an accident in another country, the Card makes Everything way more relaxed. You have no fees anywhere and the Amex points Count at ochsner and sbb counter. I get around 30.- in cashback each month and...
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    Looking for savings account options with interest rates higher than 0.8%

    @uberweston 1.5% till 500.000.- with a Platinum CSX, normal withdrawl.
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    1.8% interest with WIR bank

    @anthony70 Read the terms 20k withdrawl any withdrawel of 20k influences the interest in year two
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    1.8% interest with WIR bank

    @anthony70 Yes the Account and already with very restrictive exit (20k,6months) Good luck there, the comment higher interest higher risk isn‘t wrong here, and if you work in trade WIR might be even a good idea as it‘s accepted there. The WIR Bank, formerly the Swiss Economic Circle (German...
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    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @sm412 If you buy it in usd the Value of the usd will change…
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    1.8% interest with WIR bank

    @easterd2 I Never Said that they don‘t have booth, but the idea is only to get absorbed into WIR, 20k and 6 months are already way more restrictive than any other bank at 1.8%
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    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @ugojesus Currency matters….don’t listen to this sub.
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    1.8% interest with WIR bank

    @easterd2 No the WIR Bank, omg this sub sucks so much… Pay attention to CHF or CHW You get the interesst just to get absorbed into the CHW Circuit, which also involves a Lot of business. WIR = CHW. Der WIR-Franken erhielt 2004 den dreistelligen Buchstabencode CHW nach ISO 4217 in Entsprechung...
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    1.8% interest with WIR bank

    @coder It‘s wir an alternative currency
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    Unexpected return to EU from Switzerland: VT vs VWCE

    @c4ccheyenne That’s really tricky because actually you would need to declare the account end of the year, for this year. Informations are automatically transfered to swiss authorities. Any transfer of >9.999.- to switzerland can be subject to a financial control. You should first ensure that...
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    Bridge investment until CHF gets stronger

    @veteran1990 It’s not me that is saying that, that’s a general mechanism, less interest less people will buy and keep the currency
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    Bridge investment until CHF gets stronger

    @aywo That’s three months not a year. Just look at the one year Chart or longer….it’s some days, chf is still to strong… Just look at the swiss companys reporting in USD…all have bad results because of the Dollar weakness to the CHF. Your 8% drop is a base effect as inflation was low and now...
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    Bridge investment until CHF gets stronger

    @mog411 What? You read the statistiques wrong, the CHF lost in some months 4.5% during the last year and is even green now in a one year timeline. The CHF has never been stronger, without any SNB intervention.