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  1. M

    My lease ends 8/31. No one will communicate how to resign for the year..

    @fargonic It could be a number of things. If one of you rescheduled the hearing. We don't know your cities laws on dates for getting in court. If you live in a large city or area the courts could be slow so it could take that long. Among other things. Like I said in my area we actually have to...
  2. M

    My lease ends 8/31. No one will communicate how to resign for the year..

    @theendisnigh777 In our area once we file the court has 7-14 days to schedule a hearing. The whole process from filing to lockout with constable, if the tenants doesn't pay within the 10 days, takes roughly 35 days. Our district justices aren't all that busy and we have several of them so it's...