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  1. P

    Over-Funding Retirement? Mid-30’s, $665k in 401k & IRA. Looking for advice

    @sayen Good question. The house we’re in now will likely need a roof, siding, and windows in ~5 years. So I’ve been saving to cover those costs in cash, and just putting the money in funds that guarantee a 5%+ return. On the flip side, we may look at selling and buying a bigger/newer house in...
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    Over-Funding Retirement? Mid-30’s, $665k in 401k & IRA. Looking for advice

    @marlond I never assumed straight-line CAGR of 7%. The averaged annualized return of the entire market has been 9.90% over the past 30 years. So accounting for an average of 3% inflation on the 10% gains leaves you with an average of 7% annual growth, inflation adjusted. How else can you...
  3. P

    Thoughts on starting a 30yr mortgage at 50 yrs old?

    @morrismc 30 year mortgages don’t have to be paid off in 30 years.
  4. P

    Over-Funding Retirement? Mid-30’s, $665k in 401k & IRA. Looking for advice

    @wdbkoala486371 Yeah, I likely will sit down with a fee-only advisor, but I want to have an idea/plan going into the meeting to compare their plan against rather than going in blind.
  5. P

    Over-Funding Retirement? Mid-30’s, $665k in 401k & IRA. Looking for advice

    @virgelhabekott Thanks for this, I’ll give it a watch this weekend. Appreciate it.
  6. P

    Over-Funding Retirement? Mid-30’s, $665k in 401k & IRA. Looking for advice

    Looking for some input on our financial situation. Wife and I are in our early-to-mid 30’s, HHI is $310k before bonuses, we owe $57k left on our mortgage at 3.5% (our only debt), have $610k in our traditional 401k’s, and another $55k in our Roth IRA’s. We have $210k in a mixture of CD’s and...