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  1. G

    Idea for the second pillar: Choice between 2nd pillar chosen by employer and a vested benefits account

    @ale4614 Just abandon the second pillar completely. Pension funds are just increasing the (already insane) housing prices by investing in properties. The best pension fund is owning a house or an apartment where you can live rent free. (Get rid of the "eigenmietwert" too)
  2. G

    strange situation with many questions

    @beenjammin3 Sorry, but you have a spending problem if you're not able to survive on a combined income of almost 10k. When I was studying, I earned around 3.8k / month and was able to maintain a decent lifestyle (personal car, own apartment, vacation and so on). So rather than taking another...
  3. G

    Tax declaration: Quellensteuer

    @outpouring The already paid Quellensteuer will be handled like a "Akontozahlung" (partial payment) towards your total tax.