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  1. M

    How’d your super do?

    @faithinchrist7 My mistake mate, that’s what I mean $14k in returns.
  2. M

    How’d your super do?

    @galarneauwilliam Everyone’s situation is different, over the years we’ve adjusted ours to suit the current situation. For many years I had insurance through insurance line, then moved it all into one with AusSuper understanding it ends when turning 65. I would hope if I lasted that long we...
  3. M

    How’d your super do?

    @galarneauwilliam Not aware of your relationship/ family situation, if you ever get in massive debt where if one is to die suddenly. Death cover will at least cover the debt so everything doesn’t have to be sold up. You’ll loose it like the other insurances at 65 years old though.
  4. M

    How’d your super do?

    @galarneauwilliam If you’re talking about income protection, death cover etc. yeah I do I’ve basically got enough cover to pay out debts if I die or if I can’t work cover me for a couple of years.
  5. M

    How’d your super do?

    @galarneauwilliam That’s pretty good to me, I was 22,000k in 14,000k in interest. $3,600k in taxes and fees. Currently have 220k in super at 34 years old.