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  1. L

    Being advised to accept a high 6.4% @2yrs over 5.8% @5yrs #HELP

    @soworriedaboutthis Personally I feel slightly more comfortable taking the thing that is a competitive offer, however as others have said it's about whether you can take the risk personally in doing that and how much of a rate rise you can swallow if it does go wrong.
  2. L

    Being advised to accept a high 6.4% @2yrs over 5.8% @5yrs #HELP

    @soworriedaboutthis No problem, we had a similar choice and went for a 2 year when buying out new build as only a couple of lenders allowed for the gifted deposit from the developer that we were using, so I figured in 2 years we could get a better deal most likely. However that wasn't during...
  3. L

    Being advised to accept a high 6.4% @2yrs over 5.8% @5yrs #HELP

    @soworriedaboutthis I would think a key factor here is when you remortgage you will hopefully have a choice of a wider range of lenders as you will have been in the job longer (assuming it goes well)? I don't know whats currently available, do you know how much better rate you could get if you...