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  1. L

    VWCE or VUAA

    @stepham You can't go wrong with either one. And VWCE is not less risky, because both ETFs are all stocks and they correlate too much because the S&P500 constitute 60% of VWCE anyway. So why go VWCE? It is extra diversification that the common argument for it is: if the international stocks...
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    Are the Nasdaq-100 ETFs from Xtrackers and AXA IM any good?

    @beerandjesus Yes it does For better and free performance comparison, you can use Yahoo Finance website. It lets you put multiple funds charts against each other in the same time period.
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    Are the Nasdaq-100 ETFs from Xtrackers and AXA IM any good?

    @brit218932 Common mistake is that we relate investing with technology Can you name any more significant technology advancement in modern age than the Internet? When the internet hit mainstream, everyone poured their investment money on Internet companies. CISCO, which was and still is, the...
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    Are the Nasdaq-100 ETFs from Xtrackers and AXA IM any good?

    @beerandjesus Investment teachers (Like Bogle, or Collins) taught us that for long term personal investment, the effective strategy is to invest in low cost broad market index funds and let the compound magic happen throughout the years. Low cost broad market index funds are: S&P500, Total US...
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    Are the Nasdaq-100 ETFs from Xtrackers and AXA IM any good?

    @beerandjesus VWCE will be your fundamental ETF. The majority of your money should always go there and that's because VWCE or an SP500 ETF is the best balance of Risk & Return. You should know though that a portfolio with 100% Stocks (no bonds) is considered high risk; for someone of your age...
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    Are the Nasdaq-100 ETFs from Xtrackers and AXA IM any good?

    @beerandjesus To help you better, can you please let me know your age, and will this be the only Etf you'll invest in? If multiple ETFs how much % of your money you intend to distribute between them?
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    Are the Nasdaq-100 ETFs from Xtrackers and AXA IM any good?

    @beerandjesus The lower performance is almost certainly due to the extra fees. Nasdaq-100 ETFs are expensive; there is no way out of that. Even the US ones are expensive relative to the S&P500 ETFs. If you want Nasdaq-100 stick to either Invesco or iShares. Else, If you want to consider an...