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    Minimum Lotto winning you could retire on?

    @jeremymg16 Im still up overall even though the markets haven't been fantastic. Thats the nice thing about being in funds and not individual stocks. Investments are for the long term anyway though - I just put something in every month and let it grow.
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    Minimum Lotto winning you could retire on?

    @jeremymg16 Picking individual stocks is just high risk investing tbh. I have an isa here in the U.K. and it’s great. Everyone gets 20k allowance to put in every year. Almost everyone I know has one. Pay in as much or little as you want and just let it accumulate. There is no equivalent in...
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    Minimum Lotto winning you could retire on?

    @jeremymg16 The deemed disposal is a massive impediment to compounding
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    Minimum Lotto winning you could retire on?

    @patiencem It would seem that some downvoting loser is on their ideological crusade as we type.
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    Minimum Lotto winning you could retire on?

    @patiencem Yeah, unwarranted in many cases. I’ve never had an issue with professional landlords….only those small time ones trying to penny pinch. Would rather have professional companies running rentals than someone trying to turn a quick buck
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    Minimum Lotto winning you could retire on?

    @patiencem It has a bad reputation because a lot of people are doing it because it’s nearly the only option to invest money. Ireland really needs to get with a the times and bring in ISAs like the U.K. people should be encouraged to invest in their future…..not be punished for it. And yes I know...
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    Minimum Lotto winning you could retire on?

    @oftherisen Its telling that so many people have said they would buy rental properties on this thread. Shows how truly crappy the investment opportunities are with deemed disposal. In the UK you could lob your 2 million into an investment account and never have to work again. Just live off the...
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    Minimum Lotto winning you could retire on?

    @blessbrenda Basically the FIRE philosophy - save/invest enough that you can infinitely live off 4% withdrawal rate for life. Theres a few forums dedicated to it on here....but tbh, unless you are a high earner its unachievable for most of us.