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  1. C

    AMA - pay off you home in 7-10 yrs

    @belondon Huh? I already own my home and can pay it off tomorrow and i'm not broke like many others my age. But whatever your coping mechanism is you do you.
  2. C

    AMA - pay off you home in 7-10 yrs

    @belondon mate again your so far off the mark it's hilarious. More people agree with me than you hence why op has gotten flogged on the downvotes.
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    AMA - pay off you home in 7-10 yrs

    @belondon hahaha so far off the mark. I just criticized because he's trying to give advice from a rich persons perspective. But for what its worth i already own my own and if i want i can go into the bank on Monday and pay the entire thing off, but atm im just using it for a line of credit to...
  4. C

    AMA - pay off you home in 7-10 yrs

    @glmlost " 2 income household, 200k and 120k 320k yearly all up" Stopped reading right there. the key is to be rich.