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  1. B

    Where to go from here?

    @eerrr1 Unless I’m not seeing it you should really have an emergency fund.
  2. B

    Help! My living costs are CRAZY!!!

    @thearcheologist Oh boy. You’re spending $1200/mo on car-related expenses (while walking to work) and $300/mo on drinks/entertainment plus $500/mo on food. You’re in debt yet you keep living way above your means.
  3. B

    1.5% 401k contribution if i contribute 6% is that even worth it?

    @blessing2012 1.5/6 = 0.25. If OP puts in $6 he’ll get a guaranteed $1.5 match, or 25% return for that year. Short of paying off high-interest credit cards he’s not going to get a better ROI.
  4. B

    1.5% 401k contribution if i contribute 6% is that even worth it?

    @carlosg 1.5% match on a 6% contribution is 25% guaranteed return. So unless your debt is at 25% APR you’re better off contributing.
  5. B

    24y and going to start investing for the first time, should I do a rIRA or a tIRA?

    @chrisfromcuba What are the student loan interest rates? Also, will you be working for a non-profit for at least 10 years to take advantage of PSLF?
  6. B

    Sell Stock and move the money to a 401(k) w/out paying taxes?

    @sunshine77 Why would the government want to let you move all this profit into a retirement account tax free? They’re going to tax you as much as possible.
  7. B

    What am I missing?

    @bnyurb Historical return is closer to 10% not accounting for inflation so your numbers are off. So it’s 7% after inflation and yields 3.87x instead of 2.65x. You’re also not accounting for dividends gain from your stocks over that duration, which will also amplify your investment,