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  1. D

    A brief timeline of Yes Bank's saga

    @montse811 Yes, that would work in a pure capitalist world, but ours is a socialist govt., remember! Heck, even USA which is known to be one of the most capitalist of nations bailed out Lehman Bros and many other banks which suffered the home loan crisis in 2008! I guess politicians simply...
  2. D

    A brief timeline of Yes Bank's saga

    @jdimmick Well, do you remember that UTI Bank (now Axis Bank) also did the same level of shit in the mid 90s? They were also in a precarious position due to bad lending and almost everyone in the market had lost faith in them, their reputation was in shambles. And yet, see where Axis Bank is...
  3. D

    A brief timeline of Yes Bank's saga

    @jdimmick To answer that question, one would have to look at the lending structure and composition of Yes Bank. I recently watched this excellent video by Couptaji in which he explains why PMC Bank became bankrupt. Until last month they had only 4% NPA but recently, it turned out that they had...