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    Breakup. Keep an expensive apartment with a good mortgage?

    @resjudicata Indeed. I come from a very normal/humble family. When I started working I started spending on "luxury" stuff just to satisfy myself (sneakers, clothes, videogames, etc.), but got quickly bored of it and came back to spending as little as possible, because I'm very used to having...
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    Breakup. Keep an expensive apartment with a good mortgage?

    @resjudicata That's what I think. It took me a lot of time, effort and contacting lots of banks to get such good mortgage rate and it would be a pitty to lose it. I feel like that mortgage will have been the best investment of my life. Indeed, back to square one wih shitty conditions and alone...
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    Breakup. Keep an expensive apartment with a good mortgage?

    @jstigga Here I will be in a year and also when the loan is fully paid off. Bookmark this thread.
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    Breakup. Keep an expensive apartment with a good mortgage?

    @jstigga I have several excel simulations for several scenarios. I have lived now all april here on my own so I know the cost of light, water, etc. for 1 person and they are what I was expecting or slightly less. My main option is B even without renting out any room. Thanks for your answers.
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    Breakup. Keep an expensive apartment with a good mortgage?

    @jstigga She has more ownership % than me, that's why I have to pay her 111.000 € (that includes taxes and several costs as well). Renting a room for an additional 500 €/month that I would put immediately towards lowering the loan monthly quota is indeed the best option, since there's 2...
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    Breakup. Keep an expensive apartment with a good mortgage?

    @jstigga Thanks for your reply. I updated the main post with my numbers at the end.
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    Breakup. Keep an expensive apartment with a good mortgage?

    @nic_truthinlove Thanks man. I updated the post with numbers for if it makes more sense.
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    Breakup. Keep an expensive apartment with a good mortgage?

    @johnuaapple1 Thanks man. I updated the post with numbers for if it makes more sense.
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    Breakup. Keep an expensive apartment with a good mortgage?

    @bojan As I said in the main post, there's 4 rooms in the apartment of which I use 2 to live and work/study so there's 2 free. There's also 2 bathrooms, so I could easily rent 1 room + bathroom or even two rooms, but that would be a bit too much for using the kitchen, etc. etc. I think.
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    Breakup. Keep an expensive apartment with a good mortgage?

    @amyjh38 Not possible. She wants to go away of the city and forget about the apartment.
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    Breakup. Keep an expensive apartment with a good mortgage?

    September 2023 update on the bottom of this post --------------------------------------- Hi everyone. I'm 35 y.o and I'm in the middle of a life changing situation concerning finances. Let's see some opinions outside the very small circle with whom I can share these numbers. I recently broke...