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  1. M

    Why get an IRA if you have a (401)k?

    @mitchrad Rock on! :-) If you have an HSA, aim to max that too -- it's the most flexible account of all.
  2. M

    Why get an IRA if you have a (401)k?

    @andass Ooh good point, I forgot that was a thing entirely. Updated post to reflect my stupid.
  3. M

    Why get an IRA if you have a (401)k?

    @mitchrad The case for traditional IRA when you're beyond the income limit is pretty thin. You get growth free of capital gains, but you'd have to pay income tax on that money twice and more work every year come tax time to avoid double-taxation. Probably a not much of a net winner...
  4. M

    Alphabet Inc. (GOOG, GOOGL) Analysis

    @godlover12345132 I'd put it at #1 or #2, but I don't know the future :-)