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  1. R

    [Virginia] Anyone else receive this for PUA today 9/26/20?

    @jamesharvey39571 No ya didn’t..
  2. R

    [Virginia] Anyone else receive this for PUA today 9/26/20?

    @beautyinsteadofashes $158 is the minimum.. that’s what they sent out to everyone to make sure they got the emergency money... but some people should’ve gotten more because they earned more... so based on your income, you get between 158 and 378. You have to submit new paperwork proof to show...
  3. R

    [Virginia] Anyone else receive this for PUA today 9/26/20?

    @resjudicata Whether you get the state minimum or max is based on your income... THATS why they need the new documents. If you’re getting the minimum (158) but “deserve” more because you MADE more, you have to send proof.