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    Is 1200kwH a month abnormaly high electricity usage?

    @little_sparrow In which case I don't think your energy usage is likely unreasonable (especially given the pump situation). Longer-term, if the pump has to remain, e.g. you cannot rectify the ingress of water (not ideal from a damp perspective), this might be to sort of thing where investing in...
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    Is 1200kwH a month abnormaly high electricity usage?

    @little_sparrow The fact that you have a basement seems to indicate possibly an older property? In which case insulation might not be great. Have you checked windows, the loft, are the walls insulated? Having said all this, it is likely down to the pump.
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    Is this investment portfolio suitable for long term growth

    @kevinsamsonn The best thing to do is to identify an investment strategy you feel comfortable with, and then identify the investment(s) that support the strategy. A cheap 100% equities global could be the answer, but that depends on your strategy. A question I would have is, why did you...
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    Is this investment portfolio suitable for long term growth

    @kevinsamsonn It looks a bit of a hotch potch of funds selection, that on first review is difficult to understand the strategy. For example... Why c. 10% in the global dividend fund, why a income generating fund at all? Why the ESG EM fund? Do you believe that only EMs need to follow a ESG...
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    Question about difference b/w Vanguard's Global All Cap Acc. and Income funds

    @smurf50 When looking at charts, check if they are including and income, as that would likely make the performance similar. The actual unit value is irrelevant as it depends on the amount under management and the number of units in existence.
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    956 credit score yet 0% chance of approval for NatWest 0% credit card?

    @freedave No, incorrect. It is representative of a score the CRA apply to the credit and other factors (time at address etc etc) that they apply, nothing more nothing less.
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    J(S&S)ISA which grandparents can easily transfer?

    @freeinchrist87 You should have chosen Fidelity or HL as the JISA provider, as they do not charge a platform fee on their JISA products. Why don't the grandparents set up a standing order to you, and you create or increase your own payment to the JISA? OR, as suggested they can invest via a...
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    956 credit score yet 0% chance of approval for NatWest 0% credit card?

    @freedave It may piss you off, but that is something you will need to learn to deal with. The simple fact of the matter is that a high credit score does not mean you will be offered any credit. Surely the fact that the OP is in that situation simply underscores that fact, no?
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    Lifestrategy 100% Equity v S&P 500

    @princessa2727 Don't get too worried about it, performance is not hugely different:,FACDV Your investing journey is all about recognising mistakes or variations you want to make, and it will evolve over time.
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    956 credit score yet 0% chance of approval for NatWest 0% credit card?

    @soul_tsunami Ok, I cannot keep going round this circle.
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    L&G Closing my investment account

    @shesalright I assume they are closing it because you are no longer resident in the UK? You cannot simply move it in to a pension as you sound like you may (unknown) have not been resident in the UK for a number of years; after a period of time abroad you can no longer contribute to a UK...
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    Lifestrategy 100% Equity v S&P 500

    @princessa2727 Whilst what you have done seems perfectly reasonable and as per your other posts you have explained your rationale perfectly well. If the S&P500 is to compensate (to a degree) the overweight UK position, why not simply invest in the Vanguard Global All Cap fund so that you have...
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    956 credit score yet 0% chance of approval for NatWest 0% credit card?

    @soul_tsunami For some reason you are ignoring the obvious, which I highlighted in my previous posts). Are you aware of any post on here where someone has commented on not getting credit with a perfect/ good credit history? No you haven't. Every post (as far as I can remember) is always about...
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    956 credit score yet 0% chance of approval for NatWest 0% credit card?

    @soul_tsunami You've written lots and it is difficult to quote on my phone but... Re no one posting about being accepted etc. Again tou are being a little disingenuous here, the point is that virtually everyone who posts (I cannot recollect another circumstance) is posting purely and simply...
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    956 credit score yet 0% chance of approval for NatWest 0% credit card?

    @soul_tsunami In your second para you are commenting on something that no one, as far as I am aware of, has ever mentioned, the posts have always been the disconnect between my excellent credit score and my inability to be accepted for credit. As you comment in your third para, history (credit...
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    How good is /r/ukpersonalfinance at predicting interest rates: a retrospective

    @christian2018 In our defence 😁.... The actual rate changes are based the actual facts of the matter which are continually reviewed and updated, and even the MPC, who have access to million pound modelling software were wrong, so that makes me feel better 🥺
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    956 credit score yet 0% chance of approval for NatWest 0% credit card?

    @surfing_australian You understand that your credit score is simply a meaningless number offered by credit reference agencies? It is your credit history that counts, switching banks etc is likely to be a bit of a negative for institutions.
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    GBP v USD performance over the past 6 months

    @artg Any global investment, or more specifically USD investment would have protected you.
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    Why is “adjusted net income” so vague?

    @liamxx7 Salary Sacrifice is a contractual arrangement whereby you agree to sacrifice £xxxx and your employer agrees to pay the same £xxxx to you pension usually, but it can cover other things (as per your list). Because the employer never pays you the actual £xxxx your gross salary (reported...
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    Why is “adjusted net income” so vague?

    @liamxx7 I haven't gone through all of your bits, but under Salary Sacrifice, your 'Total Gross' on your payslip is actually your reduced gross (there is no concept of 'adjusted net income' for pension etc with SS, obviously other adjustable things could 'adjust your net income downwards ,e.g...