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  1. S

    Advice - How to save for retirement (25 y.o.)

    @simplewoodencross What is the benefit of saving for an ppor using your super? Is the interest generally higher than savings accounts?
  2. S

    Advice - How to save for retirement (25 y.o.)

    @resjudicata How do you recommend balancing the payments for a ppor and extra contributions? Is there a limit to the contributions I can make? What do you mean by the low tax environment?
  3. S

    Advice - How to save for retirement (25 y.o.)

    Hi, I was just looking for additional understanding and insight so I can prioritise my finances a bit better. I am a 25 y.o. and married (double income at the moment). Currently my S.O. and I are putting away $100 a f/n for ETF investments (at this point in time, 35% Aus, 35% American, 30%...