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  1. M

    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    @tinyrev No problem. You can definitely do it! 2 years seems long but it will go fast as long as you’re consistent. I didn’t set up and stick ti a budget so it took me longer to pay off my cc debt back in the day. Now that it’s gone and I just pay off my monthly expenses it’s really nice. You...
  2. M

    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    @tinyrev Sorry for missing that. I’m a avalanche debt payoff person. But you wouldn’t pay off card 2 and take care of card 1 before the 0% period ends so I think you’re on track with your approach. Pay the $377/mo to card 1 and throw $323 at card 2. I want to be clear that you should scrape...
  3. M

    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    @tinyrev What’s your budget to pay off debt? Have you cut out everything you can and extra spending. What you have to spend monthly may change my answer.