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    Breath life into an old computer

    @resjudicata Yep, depends on the age of the computer though, one of the computers I did this for originally came with windows 7, was updated to windows 10 at some point, I reinstalled 7 and removed a bunch of it's bloatware, tweaked it's boot settings etc but honestly that laptop is end of life...
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    Breath life into an old computer

    @resjudicata A number of games work fine on Linux, more so since steam deck started gaining popularity, you can use Proton/Wine to get more support but I'd say that goes beyond standard usage. My friend wanted to play minecraft which runs well on Linux. If your main use is gaming and you have a...
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    Breath life into an old computer

    @rockhound570 That's fair, I haven't used Mint but I hear it's a bit faster as well
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    Buying on sale is not saving

    @marilines Yep, even in this example if you wanted two pairs of jeans and it ended up $20 less than you expected, if you go and spend that $20 you haven't saved anything, just got more stuff. When times are tight it's about getting into the right mindset and separating "saving" from "discount"...
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    Breath life into an old computer

    If you have an old laptop or computer that is unbearably slow that you're going to throw away, you might not have to, windows and mac are notorious for running slow on older computers, linux not so much. If all you need is to use the internet, write documents/emails/steam games, install Ubuntu...
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    Buying on sale is not saving

    Does this sound familiar? You go in to the store to buy a new pair of jeans but hold up, it's buy one get another 50% off! You just "saved" $20, That's enough to buy that sweet top you saw on the way here. When you get to the counter, turns out that top was actually half price and you didn't...