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  1. G

    Swisscaution or traditional deposit?

    @briantheophilus Way too expensive AND way too small of a sum to ever make any significant difference. Unless we're talking a 5k/month flat but in that case, at that level of income, i'm not sure you should worry about saving 150 chf with such a complicated scheme =D
  2. G

    Seeking Advice on Investing in S&P 500 ETF in Switzerland

    @uberweston All good. In both cases there are 30% : 15% of L1WT (from companies to the ETF) and 15% of L2WT (from the ETF to you). The treaty between Ireland and Switzerland knocks out the L2WT but the L1TW remains. So the dividends paid by your ETF reflect those 15% of L1WT IBKR apparently...
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    Seeking Advice on Investing in S&P 500 ETF in Switzerland

    @tobiahjude99 No you said US domiciled funds can have reduced withholding tax to 15% thanks to w8-ben. Then you can claim those 15% through da-1. Implying it's taxed 30% if you don't do anything. I said i haven't filled anything and yet have gotten 15% taxes only on VOO, whereas according to...
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    Seeking Advice on Investing in S&P 500 ETF in Switzerland

    @tobiahjude99 Wait i had some VOO last year and i'm sure i had only 15% tax without filling anything. How would you explain that ?
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    Reality check on Car Leasing

    @virginiaann 65-85k car while your income is 130k, either : you love cars in which case this is just a hobby purchase and you shouldn't try to make sense of it, accept the fact that you're paying more to get enjoyment out of a tool it's probably too expensive and brings almost nothing to the...
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    Seeking Advice on Investing in S&P 500 ETF in Switzerland

    @uberweston Do wait for more feedbacks though. I'm pretty sure the overall feeling of that subreddit is that hedging is useless, but some people might disagree and give you valid reasons for it. And yeah, volume is a bitch sometimes. If you place too big of a buy order you risk hiking up...
  7. G

    Pension fund contribution or etf investment?

    @tierras Others have pointed out all the calculations needed to accurately know how much the difference is over a long period, but also keep in mind the flexibility of both options. Sure VT is probably always gonna be a good option, but you won't be able to touch it before you're retired...
  8. G

    Seeking Advice on Investing in S&P 500 ETF in Switzerland

    @uberweston Having bought VOO and VUSA i can tell you it doesn't make much of a difference. Not that VUSA is hedged but you're just buying it with CHF. And basically while the values might change drastically, at the end of the day, i'm left with the same gains in CHF with one or the other As...
  9. G

    Looking for savings account options with interest rates higher than 0.8%

    @uberweston wiLLbe, 1.55% up to 50k, 1.25% up to 100k i think. No limits. Funds covered up to 100k. Pretty easy to setup and use. Also interests are paid quarterly, not annually. I think i saw Migros had 1.4% for the 1st year, but there was no termination fees....unsure how one could abuse...
  10. G

    Pension fund contribution or etf investment?

    @hesmyrock Marginal tax rate i assume, so you can compare the taxes you'd have to pay on said income vs the pension funds which (at least partly) isn't taxed.