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  1. V

    Swisscaution or traditional deposit?

    @ashrei19 Scam is not the correct word at all. They offer exactly the service they offer and not more. What about it, should be a scam? I mean sure, it's not financially wise to do that but that doesn't make it a scam.
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    W-8, tax benefits at IBKR

    @pastorphil Correct, if you want to get the taxes back. You can always donate them to the IRS :)
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    ETF choice (world index - accumulating - fee max 0.25)

    @ugojesus IWDA, if you don't want EM.
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    W-8, tax benefits at IBKR

    @pastorphil You only need to fill out the form if you plan to buy US ETFs (maybe also for US stocks?) to get back the last 15% withholding tax of the dividends from the IRS. If you don't care or don't plan to buy US ETFs (e.g. because you buy IE ETFs) you can ignore it.
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    Should I extinguish my mortgage?

    @tierras Take the higher taxes in consideration would be my 5 cent.
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    Bonds allocation and instruments. A bit lost

    @alesli Let me know when you find something lol :) While my risk profile is much higher, I will need to increase my bonds at some point too.
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    Degiro ETF Gebühren. Optionen?

    @qbanmom7070 I say that I will not buy their free ETF and rather find a ETF that costs me something. Yes and it's a shitty practice! It's how Netflix started, how GamePass works etc. Give customers the...
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    Degiro ETF Gebühren. Optionen?

    @qbanmom7070 If it's free, you are usually the product or in this case worse spreads than at a for-fee broker. Therefore I'm always suspicious of these "free" brokers/ETFs.
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    Degiro ETF Gebühren. Optionen?

    @called2greatness IBRK is usually cheaper than Degiro, open an account with them would be my recommendation.
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    Pension fund contribution or etf investment?

    @hesmyrock Yes, for taxes. You need to calculate the tax benefit of both the income tax and the wealth tax if you want to make an accurate calculation.
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    Idea for the second pillar: Choice between 2nd pillar chosen by employer and a vested benefits account

    @ale4614 It's true that they don't really like it, but I would assume they like it more than the 3a (because it gives you guaranteed pensions and the citizen doesn't need to be bothered to know anything about investing).
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    Pension fund contribution or etf investment?

    @hesmyrock Ah, I didn't see the matching! I have a similar choice to make than OP but there was no matching for me. Then OP needs to dig deep to find it out (or send me the real numbers including home canton, better even city and I'll do it) because there's free money to get, but the profit is...
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    Idea for the second pillar: Choice between 2nd pillar chosen by employer and a vested benefits account

    @ale4614 So basically double the 3a limit if don't want a 2nd pillar account? I personally would like it (if the employee match will be kept), but the left will not like it at all. They like social solutions (1st pillar) and controllable solutions (to some degree 2nd pillar) much more than a...
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    Pension fund contribution or etf investment?

    @tierras As most pensions funds have a very bad return (1-3%p.a.) as far as I know, you should turn to ETF if you're okay with the risk. If you're looking for a secure, low-risk investment increasing the pension fund contribution could be interesting with the tax benefits.
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    DA-1 for accumulating ETFs

    @xeno32 As far as I understand, no. You have to get a US ETF if you want to get that withholding tax back. There's no legal case to use the DA-1 for any European domiciled ETF.
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    Review of investment strategy + questions

    @georgehay P2P lending; never did it myself but from what I read the average experience is that you make good money with 9 out of 10 loans and then the last is a complete loss and that eats away all of your profit. 2) Unless it's hedging, the currency of the ETF is only the "reporting...
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    Best broker for long term investment?

    @gary987 Most people only care about the fees and which stock exchanges are available and not that much about features. You can find some of the list brokers here:
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    I’m receiving a relatively large inheritance from the US - but CHF keeps growing!

    @jsmalls The long term trend is that CHF becomes stronger and stronger compared to USD (, change to 50Y or All) so best long-term plan would be to find something to use the money in $.
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    Feedback New ETF Portfolio

    @johnstead You can compare them by opening e.g. and then add IE00B8BVCK12 in the chart as a comparison. YTD you SRI was better (19.36 vs 17.59), but since October 2020 it's worse (27.26 vs 27.37) by a slim margin. An...
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    Feedback New ETF Portfolio

    @johnstead Looks complicated to me, why the bonds and commodities when you invest long-term? You also have a pretty large home bias (10 vs 2-3%) and invest according to SRI/ESG which I personally wouldn't do (either you invest into an ETF to make money or you hand-select companies that are...