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  1. K

    Buying house in Japan

    @michaelthiessen Is it possible to close on the house remotely? There is so much paperwork. That all needs signature.
  2. K

    What to do w/ yen savings while out of Japan for a few years

    @iamneveralone Putting it into a rental piece of property can be a solid option. Income from Japanese properties is good - better than western countries typically. You might want to take a mortgage but might not, maybe just buy a place outright. Or, you could buy a place you'd want to live in...
  3. K

    Choosing a mortgage in ideal situations

    @victoria37 Prestia also doesn't do pre approvals 仮申請 which is annoying because -since us foreigners are at higher risk of being turned down for a loan, you really want to pass the pre approval to know you can get one. -slows things down, as you say. Nicer to have that pre approval in hand so...