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  1. P

    Worth a lawyer? Hit by a child

    @gratitudeisthebest Just telling u the argument you’ll face and the uphill battle that an accident recon specialist will argue. If scans point to anything degenerative (age or prior injury related) they ain’t gonna buy it. With or without counsel. Orthos are proven wrong all the time by other...
  2. P

    Worth a lawyer? Hit by a child

    @gratitudeisthebest If u were wearing a seatbelt and were rear ended it is basically impossible for your low back to flex enough to cause serious injury. Neck would make sense, low back doesn’t. The lumbar/sacrum are immobilized between the seat and the seat belt. A T-bone impact would be...
  3. P

    Worth a lawyer? Hit by a child

    @4bears As a former adjuster myself, did any alarm bell go off for u when they said it’s a low back injury from a rear end impact? I’d like to see a pic of the cars and that driver seat before I agree to this one.