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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @branden Can you name such a product? Would be interested, if a good 3b product would exist.
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @georgewaini I assume they are talking about insurance products. You can have insurance products in your "pillar 3b" just like you can have them in your pillar 3a. But these products usually have very high costs. As they are structured products, they are probably dividend free and therefore...
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @georgewaini Basically every insurance can offer you tax free products. These are more or less complicated structured products, avoiding dividend or interest payout to the end-customer.
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    Question about the 3rd pillar

    @toesockshoe Also as a rule of thumb about asset allocation (can be very individual of course): Emergency fund: roughly 6 months of expenses in cash, always available. Does not count to your assets. The rest (free money, 2nd pillar, 3rd pillar): 100 minus your age gives the percentage of stocks...
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    IBKR vs Pillar 3b

    @georgewaini Either you have misunderunderstood your tax advisor, or he is lying to you. Pillar 3b does not really exist. It is your savings in a normal taxable account, basically your free available savings. There is no tax advantage. See more about this here...
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    Question about the 3rd pillar

    @toesockshoe "The Bogleheads to investing" maybe. It's not as "science"-orientes as Kommer, but easy to read. And well, what I mentioned, "All about asset allocation" by Ferri.
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    Question about the 3rd pillar

    @toesockshoe You can do both with Viac, they have predefined portfolios, but you can also customize. They mainly invest in index funds. These index funds are usually not available to retail customers, they are special pension funds, with some tax optimization, especially when it comes to...
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    Question about the 3rd pillar

    @toesockshoe No, sorry, I wasn't clear enough. Viac offers a 3a product. You can choose your allocation, anything between 0-100% stocks. With your age, you could still go with 100% shares, reduce it with age. Reducing means probalby 80% shares, 20% bonds/cash and so on. But there is enough time...
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    Question about the 3rd pillar

    @toesockshoe How old are you? If you have 15 or more years to go until retirement, you can invest your 3a pillar in index funds, for example with Viac or Finpension. That way you can profit from the tax reduction and from the stock market. If you have less years, you'll need to think about asset...
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    Question about the 3rd pillar

    @toesockshoe Way enough time to invest your 3a money 100% in the stock market. The expense ratio with the two solutions I mentioned is below 0.5%. You even profit from tax optimized pension index funds.
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    Why do many in this thread choose VT over VTI or VOO or IVV?

    @pkumom2016 The simple answer is diversification. Before 1992, you could have written your post exactly the same way about Japan, instead of the US of A. The Japanese stock market never recovered from the crash in 1992.
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    Already investing, but I have a cash account sitting around. How do I best go about investing it?

    @rengb121 If you're going to be retired in the next few years, you can put it step by step into your 2nd pillar to reduce your taxes. If not, you can do DCA or lump sum investing. Don't worry too much if it's for a long term investement. Read this story about investing at the wrong timing...