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  1. M

    Credit card debt

    @danielz Budget is always a great place to start. When i referring to cash in hand jobs, I'm thinking family, neighbours, friends who give ya few quid to look after the farm, fix the tap, bring in bales, blah blah blah. It is not regular source of income but cash bonus. This cash bonus will...
  2. M

    First Time Buyer Thinking Out Loud! I need some perspective…

    @veve Tough choices but are you not locking yourself in to one place, one setup, one type of living arragments? Give yourself the freedom to take on property but not to lock yourself into it for life for instance, you buy a small apartment close to work and suit your needs for the next 5 years...
  3. M

    Credit card debt

    @danielz Talk to AIB about the credit card. They should provide some options/help on how to pay for this. Go in store and ask to speak to someone in person. Secondly, Review your finances, make a budget and what repayment you can make. No point looking at an-post 0% offer if it going to take 2...