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  1. S

    I’ve been working nonstop for over 2 years. Do you think it’s right to reward yourself ?

    @inluvwlife Rewards dont come bc you're tired or stressed. They come once you earn the $$ needed to enjoy them without jeopardizing your finances. You have to figure out how that applies to your situation
  2. S

    Im not a robot!

    @seewithgreatereyes I've never been in car sales, but from being on the other end I can tell you that most car sales peeps don't know shit about cars. They understand sales and what makes people buy
  3. S

    Im not a robot!

    @seewithgreatereyes A lot of cat dealerships will hire basically anyone who shows interest. I've worked commissioned sales before (but not at a dealership), and it can be very hard work. Basically bad salespeople self-select out bc they aren't making any money. It's not a huge risk to the...