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    Stamp duty/fees

    @rayosun4 If it’s a court ordered transfer you should not need to pay stamp duty. (See here) You need to consult your solicitor on this as the court order wording and agreed terms are very important in ensuring you get the exemption.
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    H&D BiK overcharging

    @helpmeunderstand It looks like your payroll assumed you were being paid monthly and divided your premium by 12 rather than 24 (€1,378/12 = €114) when calculating the deemed gain to you from having the policy paid for by the company and not directly. So they need to correct this. Btw I think...
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    CGT question and house ownership

    @icycool25 Your parents could sell you a share in the house with a value equal to the amount of the outstanding mortgage. They could then use that money that you pay for this share to pay it off. There would be no CGT for them as it is their principal private residence and no CAT for you...
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    New Build - Terraced vs SemiD

    @zachariahs Been here 16 years. We love the house and have no intention of moving but we joke between us that if we ever did we would want a detached house. Sharing real estate with neighbours is a pain. We have had issues with joint walls and chimneys needing work (and who organises/pays - we...
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    New Build - Terraced vs SemiD

    @zachariahs I live in a terrace. I would vote Semi-D.
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    How much more tax will I pay on dividends for US stocks as an Irish tax resident?

    @jakigirl2000 In short - no. Changing domicile is immensely difficult and effectively means cutting all ties with your original country. It would be a long and arduous process to convince Revenue that you are truly domiciled elsewhere. I deal with people who have lived abroad for over 20 years...
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    How much more tax will I pay on dividends for US stocks as an Irish tax resident?

    @seth504 All of this is correct OP and there is nothing untoward here - it’s a well-worn principle which has been around for decades. Further information here: Irish Tax for Ex Pats. The sections on ‘Residence and Domicile’ and ‘Remittance basis of taxation’ are relevant. It also may offer you...
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    How much more tax will I pay on dividends for US stocks as an Irish tax resident?

    @mdwhite Have you brought the dividend income into Ireland? Assuming you’re domiciled in Canada you should only be subject to Irish tax on investment income that is remitted into Ireland (you may be subject to tax in Canada though).
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    I need some help with CGT on profits from stocks

    @stripe No. The gain or loss is only triggered (realised) when you sell or transfer the asset.
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    Double Taxation Treaty Ireland/Germany: Remote Working

    @rascalinfaith That’s quite a technical document with provisions relating to a pretty niche area. I can’t comment on it specifically however at a very high level, if you’re going to be in Germany for the next six or seven months you will probably be tax resident in Germany for the year and as...