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  1. C

    Is my 401(k) "contaminated" with riba even though I sold off my old fund that had bonds?

    @melman Yes, I'm thinking about Roth IRA account, hoping to start using this year. Sorry, but what do you mean by "small price to pay to clear your conscience"?
  2. C

    Is my 401(k) "contaminated" with riba even though I sold off my old fund that had bonds?

    @melman Ameen. I'm aware of them, but my company 401k plan only consist of Vanguard.
  3. C

    Is my 401(k) "contaminated" with riba even though I sold off my old fund that had bonds?

    @melman Thank you for your detailed explanation. I'm aware of companies being a halal and not. For my personal investing, I started to use Someone recommended me on this sub. I'm not comfortable with investing in non halal companies and "purify"...
  4. C

    Is my 401(k) "contaminated" with riba even though I sold off my old fund that had bonds?

    @melman Salams, I'm not contributing to 401k because my company only offers Vanguard funds. And from what I researched, none of them are halal. What is your thought.