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    credit card maxed out on gambling and possible fraud

    @jumbogeorge To be honest It was my first time gambling also last time as I hit rock bottom I havent played now I m trying to find out how to get this resolve before going worse.
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    credit card maxed out on gambling and possible fraud

    @jumbogeorge completely
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    credit card maxed out on gambling and possible fraud

    @jumbogeorge It probably has nothing to do with this last situation. It was from my parents and I sent it back to them. Plus my car I sold it and sent it back to my parents. only one of my parents aware of the situation and they dont have those funds
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    credit card maxed out on gambling and possible fraud

    @bewiserthantheserpent at the moment the only way for me to make money start a business (heavy labour construction ) with my father but the moment i tell him this debt and how i acquired it he will immediately cease any business plan with me which will result in me losing my last opportunity to...
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    credit card maxed out on gambling and possible fraud

    @jjp297 I m planning to start a business with my parent here in my home country but scared cause that debt will catch me without even giving me chance to earn so I can pay back . If my parent find out that i lost that gambling its over for me not a chance to do any business . I just need some...
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    credit card maxed out on gambling and possible fraud

    SPOILER ALERT! I am a moron !!! A month ago I decided to move back to my home country from canada permanently and I came up with a brilliant!!!(sarcasm) plan which was using my credit card to gamble and after potentially making it double or triple pay the initial amount and take home a nice...