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    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    @milki Thanks. Well the 15% wouldn’t be just sitting bc I would be paying towards it. The problem w the 0% balance transfer cards is they can tag on all the missed interest from the intro period if you don’t pay the whole thing off before the end of the intro. I will verify this but this is...
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    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    @milki Thank you! I was doing the math and found I would need about 16 months to pay of the 0% card and I just dk if I’ll pay off the 15% card in time to do that, given that I have a 21 month deadline before the 0% ends and higher rate kicks in 😳
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    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    @someorder2 Thank you for replying. Well there is reason to think about the 0 interest one bc I only have 21 months to pay it off. I could put my whole budget to the higher interest card but would I pay off the 0 interest one in time… ?? That is the math part that has me stumped :)
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    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    @someorder2 Thanks. Great feedback. I’ll try!
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    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    @johnnie4jesus Thank you! Ah yes you’re right that I’ll actually pay off the higher rate card once I put the full 700 to it (after paying off the 0 card). I also agree on paying off the 0% card a month early. I can definitely up my payment by 20 bucks to achieve that. And who knows, i might...
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    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    @monetb Thanks so much. It’s daunting but hearing other people have done it is encouraging!
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    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    @monetb Thanks! That confirms what I thought. I definitely have worked as much as I can on my budget and I know what is at stake. I’m working with a financial advisor and meeting her every month so she holds me accountable. I definitely hope to throw more money at this as I am able. It’s...
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    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    @monetb I know it’s buried in there but the budget is 700/ mo. Some months maybe more. :) thanks!
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    Do you like math? CC payoff help

    Hello! I hope I can post this question here, apologies if I have erred! Here is my situation. First let me say I have a lot of embarrassment about my credit card situation but I’m working on it and have been meticulously budgeting to get everything under control. I have issues with math but...