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  1. J

    21 YO - Seeking Financial Advice

    @floridagatorguy06 math ain’t mathing😂✊
  2. J

    21 YO - Seeking Financial Advice

    @da_man Do a little bit of Math. $3.5K a month in profits, is $42K a year not $420K , your common sense lacking brain cells need. Profits of $42K a year after everything, I’m at $92K pre tax and expenses between my job and business. Jeez dude, Please get yourself checked, We don’t have the...
  3. J

    21 YO - Seeking Financial Advice

    @da_man Dfq? When did I say I make $400K a year, what are you on!? Jeez, columbian sugar has fallen into the wrong hands
  4. J

    21 YO - Seeking Financial Advice

    @da_man why is it? You wake up in the morning to shit on someone rather lend 2 cents worth of advice? Thanks!
  5. J

    21 YO - Seeking Financial Advice

    @resjudicata I agree, i got a job with the cupe union as well, they have added benefits with a years contract but there are strong chances they will either extend it or make it permanent full time. I got something called municipal pension plan, but unfortunately it did not mention What amount or...
  6. J

    21 YO - Seeking Financial Advice

    Hey everyone, Please be gentle, i’m looking for advice. I'm a 21-year-old from, Canada, looking for some guidance on my financial situation and investments. Quick Snapshot: Income: After everything Between my current job and other small business, I am bringing home $3,500 a month all...