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  1. N

    What percentage of your assets do you keep invested?

    @kellypmart if your emergency fund needs to be 3k, why have 12k lying around doing nothing?
  2. N

    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @glennheath It doesn't matter that the base currency of the fund is in Euros, what matter is what currency are those money right now. If you have a salary in Euros, then yes you are buying USD assets with a weak euros, but if the money is already in USD, you are converting USD to euros to buy a...
  3. N

    EU citizen holding strong USD in cash, better to invest directly in US Stocks or convert to EUR and invest in S&P 500 UCITS ETFs (FX hedged or not)

    @glennheath Option 2 is the best imo Option 1 would be expensive and time consuming, for no real advantage, option 3 includes a currency hedged ETF, which I am not a fan of because of very high costs for no real benefits (currency edging will work against you 50% of the times, and in your...