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  1. F

    Save for house down payment or max 401k

    @spinner981 The current market is a renter’s market, in most places. Housing prices haven’t fallen and interest rates have more than doubled. Until interest rates drop or the housing bubble pops, I’d rent too, if I weren’t already an owner.
  2. F

    10 Years of Personal Finance Advice in under 10 minutes

    @dlyssesuouglas Donald Trump wealth, where your corps go bankrupt (especially multiple times) is no savvy expert. Just a grifter.
  3. F


    @garth428 It’s a lot of debt to be carrying, but typically they’ll be looking at the minimum payments due when considering what you can afford monthly. If you’re paying, say, $800/mo on student loans. and your total monthly income is $5000 (Gross). you’re already at 16% DTI. Lenders usually peak...