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    Halal Funds that are not advertised as Halal

    @goobiebean Check out HLAL.
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    Is my 401(k) "contaminated" with riba even though I sold off my old fund that had bonds?

    @melman I forgot to mention that ideally, you will have to purify your income from the equity investments as well.
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    How to deal with 401k

    @noodlemn Try to find out if you can get access to BrokerageLink. If not, then focus on other options. For 3&4, you have to go through the investment products and choose the one that has the least amount of non-compliant exposure. If you have a list, I can help you out, inshaAllah.
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    Looking for some advice on long-term growth for my TFSA account

    @rhade Self managed accounts give you the most flexibility. The options that Wealthsimple gives you are very conservative.
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    Is my 401(k) "contaminated" with riba even though I sold off my old fund that had bonds?

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    Is my 401(k) "contaminated" with riba even though I sold off my old fund that had bonds?

    @melman Here is one way of making sure that you get rid of the impure income. Find the date when you started to contribute to this fund. Find the contribution amounts until the disposition of the fund. Calculate the returns from these fixed income funds (you can approximate the performance of...
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    Looking for some advice on long-term growth for my TFSA account

    @rhade Got it! In that case just simplify your portfolio and go with 100% SPUS. You are young, hopefully you will have a good career, which will open investment options like RRSP. You can also take advantage of FHSA account, if you want to buy a home.
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    Question about Sharia complaints Halal Stocks

    @philip1979 We have to differentiate interest earning income and interest paying debt. Interest earning deposits should not exceed 30% of the market cap of a company. The income earned from interest will be purified (you can use your approach to calculate income from non-halal business...
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    Looking for some advice on long-term growth for my TFSA account

    @rhade For what reason would you be withdrawing funds from your TFSA in 10+ years? You would want to keep this account and let it grow over a long time period. Something like 60% SPUS, 20% UMMA, 10% SPSK, 5% GLDM, and 5% SPRE could be a reasonable starting point, given your needs in 10+ years.
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    Question about Sharia complaints Halal Stocks

    @philip1979 The income generated from haram sources will be purified. These include income from haram activities and income from interest. For example, this is from SPUS Prospectus (p.29): "If a company derives a portion of its total income from interest income and/or Sharia-prohibited business...
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    Question about Sharia complaints Halal Stocks

    @ask21771 Is that right? How can I, as an individual retail investor, carve Microsoft's gaming business out?
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    Question about Sharia complaints Halal Stocks

    @sam777c Indeed, if there was a way to fractionally own a certain company's non-haram businesses, we would all do so. However, it's not feasible currently. Having said that, if I do my analysis on a XYZ company and arrive at a conclusion that it's non-haram business (which will improve our...
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    Is my 401(k) "contaminated" with riba even though I sold off my old fund that had bonds?

    @annache Yes, the sukuks that are currently available are mostly shorter duration and largely belong to EM. I think we should keep promoting these products because increasing demand will lead to the creation of many competing products, which hopefully will bring down the shariah-arbitrage to...
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    Question about Sharia complaints Halal Stocks

    @philip1979 Waaleikum assalam! There are people who feel OK with traditional investment approach. There are people who prefer AAOIFI approach. And there some who are not comfortable even with sukuks. It seems like you fall into the second category as you are demonstrating your willingness to...
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    Halal Funds that are not advertised as Halal

    @limegreen Performance is highly sensitive to chosen starting and ending points. I have looked at shariah-compliant funds and ETF performance over different periods and am still optimistic about their future performance:
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    Question about Sharia complaints Halal Stocks

    @unknown404 I guess we keep coming back to the same issue 😊 I respect your position, but my views are slightly different.
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    Halal Funds that are not advertised as Halal

    @limegreen Waaleikum assalam! While it's true that shariah-compliant ETFs and funds are expensive, you are better off using those products from shariah perspective. They will take care of all the adjustments when certain companies become no longer shariah-compliant. VFTAX, the Social Index, is...
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    Is my 401(k) "contaminated" with riba even though I sold off my old fund that had bonds?

    @melman While I agree with certain points above, I would first consider shariah-compliant options for de-risking or diversification of your portfolio. SPSK, WISEX, and AMAPX do have similar volatility and correlation profiles as traditional bonds with broad equity markets. If your need is not...
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    Question about Sharia complaints Halal Stocks

    @unknown404 I'm not sure if you are confusing the insured amount ($250K) by agencies like FDIC or not, but any bank will take your money, especially if you'll be parking it in a checking account with no max limit. When you are an equity investor, your value is equal to Assets - Liabilities =...