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  1. C

    Need help with adjusting dollar-cost averaging strategy for VWCE

    @pampermommy For adc strategy, the shorter period between investments, the better. The reason for that is because you're investing on an averaged long term growth expectation. I don't have experience on this, so I cannot share how this strategy worked out for me. But past performance is not an...
  2. C

    Need help with adjusting dollar-cost averaging strategy for VWCE

    @kaytiedid Second this. The fees are not extremely high, but I'd personally hold that amount for one month and invest every couple of months to make the fees even lower.
  3. C

    What percentage of your assets do you keep invested?

    @mkrist I see! Thanks anyways!
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    What percentage of your assets do you keep invested?

    @thanes1 Thanks a lot for your answer! That was what I was looking for to start.
  5. C

    What percentage of your assets do you keep invested?

    @mkrist Do you mind to share which bonds and what platform you use? I'm not used to invest in bonds in Europe (I'm assuming you are buying eu bonds)