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  1. E

    Is the higher premium worth it?

    @sawco My employer gave me a code, it seems like most things I need would be covered. My pcp copay would be $70 which isn't ideal I don't love the plan, but it's either the Surest plan or the high deductible plan (There's a third plan offered by my job, a buy up plan, but that's $400 a month...
  2. E

    Is the higher premium worth it?

    @juie That's fair! It's an extra $40 per paycheck which sucks but the no deductible is nice
  3. E

    Is the higher premium worth it?

    @driftless I found out through this subreddit, I thought I had to he a dependent without job-related healthcare 😭 I'm gonna give the marketplace a call and try to get re-added
  4. E

    Is the higher premium worth it?

    @driftless I'm trying to see, my dad is on a marketplace plan and from what I see I'm only allowed to be on it if I'm a dependent of his (which I'm not). I'm also worried that since my job makes me ineligible for the ACA tax credits, that my dad would end up having to pay the credit back if I'm...
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    Is the higher premium worth it?

    @ayleeann Oh I didn't think to include that, yes it is HSA eligible
  6. E

    Is the higher premium worth it?

    @redponydriver That's a good point, I'm worried that anything I would save by switching to the high deductible plan's premium would just go to the uncovered medical costs
  7. E

    Is the higher premium worth it?

    I deleted my most recent post, I wrote it while freaking out in the bathroom 😭 I wanted to write something more coherent I signed up for a job based healthcare plan, and I found out today (3 days before the enrollment deadline) that the amount listed is not a monthly cost, but is taken out per...