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  1. J

    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @rjozen That's a pretty good portfolio. I only chose the the Multi asset one since it's got the typical boglehead 3 fund portfolio all in one. I chose the other ETFs for more exposure to the markets outside SA.
  2. J

    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @rjozen The ETF means you don't have to worry about which bond is best. Just get the ETF In my TFSA I've got a portfolio of only the 10x Total World ETF, the Sygnia S&P 500 and the Satrix multi asset passive portfolio solutions growth in a 30:20:50 ratio You only really need bonds the closer...
  3. J

    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @rjozen Yeah TFSA is your go to. Max that out (36k per year tax free investment is too much to say no to) Once you've maxed that out you can look more at US ETFs. But check fees and stuff and compare them to similar South African ones The Satrix SA Bond Portfolio(STXGOV) ETF is pretty good
  4. J

    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @spiritualchristian7 Yeah that's why bond ETFs are good as they can change allocations of bonds to newer ones. It takes all the hard work of bond picking away so you get an average yield of all bonds. Bond funds aren't for capital gains though. They're for getting an income through their coupons
  5. J

    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @spiritualchristian7 If interest rates go up then bond ETF prices go down
  6. J

    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @spiritualchristian7 It's the same risk as investing using the Rand in general. The government has to pay that money no matter what
  7. J

    What is your Bond Choices & Allocations for your portfolio

    @rjozen Why go US bonds at all when SA bonds give higher yields? I guess it makes sense if you want to hedge against the Rand getting weaker. The tax advantage of the TFSA kinda negates going the US bond route as well Bond ETFs are also good because they give you an average return of all the...