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  1. A

    [California] PEUX, BYE 3/15 w balance, reapplied - PAID

    @abc0146an Aww shoot, I thought I was delivering good news. I’m sorry you’re stuck in limbo. Keep certifying though! Did you also have a balance and on PEUC (not PUA)?
  2. A

    [California] PEUX, BYE 3/15 w balance, reapplied - PAID

    I’m on PEUC-extension, BYE 3/15, had a balance left, Home Screen told me to reapply. When my BYE came, week ending 3/13 was paid and week ending 3/20 was pending. I waited until I could certify again on 4/4 (and I did certify) but the W/E 3/20, 3/27, and 4/3 remained pending. Tried calling but...