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  1. J

    Finally debt free after 2 and half years!

    @jredshaw We’re pretty much exactly the same as you - got sick and tired of being sick and tired. I’d say that the 0% credit card was a god send.
  2. J

    Finally debt free after 2 and half years!

    @mlange88 Because you need to break the cycle of using debt to pay for emergencies as the cycle will be never ending.
  3. J

    Finally debt free after 2 and half years!

    @ansres Strangely, the thought of the interest rates didn’t cross my mind. Ultimately, I guess it’d just of taken longer to pay stuff off. We’ve been in a mindset of just pay, pay, pay and forgetting about the stuff out of our control. I think it’d been different if we were at the starting this...
  4. J

    Finally debt free after 2 and half years!

    @lastattempt Thanks.
  5. J

    Finally debt free after 2 and half years!

    I finally paid off all consumer debt this morning - £31,375.18 in 31 months. We used the Dave Ramsey Baby Steps method. It almost seems unreal. Being debt free seemed so far away in Jan of 2020 when we decided to knuckle down and get it paid. Just wanted to share. Edit to add a massive...