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  1. H

    In Germany,Is there a limit to losses that can be carried over to the following tax year?

    @phriend Thanks for the explanation!Does this mean that there is an independent case concerning Verluste aus Terminegeschäften? Or should I be opening one?
  2. H

    In Germany,Is there a limit to losses that can be carried over to the following tax year?

    @phriend Any update on the case thats in the court? A reference article would also be helpful
  3. H

    In Germany,Is there a limit to losses that can be carried over to the following tax year?

    @phriend You are right. I used a foreign broker. The‘ ?? ‚ came with a hefty sum like you mentioned and I‘m getting in touch with a tax consultant immediately
  4. H

    In Germany,Is there a limit to losses that can be carried over to the following tax year?

    @phriend Formatted the post . Can you please have a look again?Thanks!
  5. H

    In Germany,Is there a limit to losses that can be carried over to the following tax year?

    The details of the tax report looks like this. Kapitalerträge, die nicht dem inländischen Steuerabzug unterlegen haben Inländische Kapitalerträge €1,866.04 Ausländische Kapitalerträge ?? In den Zeilen 18 und 19 enthaltene Gewinne aus Aktienveräußerungen (i.S.d. § 20 Abs. 2 Satz 1 Nr. 1 EStG)...